Child & Youth Psychotherapy

Our clinic strives to provide a safe and playful therapeutic environment for young clients. There is no minimum age requirement for child and youth therapy, but their ability to engage in therapy may determine the suitability. We highly recommend parents or caregivers be engaged in the session together or separately if appropriate.

It is important to note that there is no legal requirement for age of consent to counselling or psychotherapy in Ontario, with the exception of a few circumstances. The question of informed consent to clinical services depends on whether the child or young person is capable of consenting. The Canadian Mental Health Association states that a young client will be found to be capable to consent or refuse if they: (1) understand information pertaining to the proposed clinical intervention; and (2) understand potential risks of consenting or refusing the proposed clinical intervention.

Our clinic may not be able to accept young clients whose parents or caregivers are currently involved in a child protection investigation matter or complex legal situation. If your family situation requires further conversations, please request a brief phone consultation to see whether the clinician can support your child and the family as whole.

For young clients, our clinic strongly recommends in-person sessions. Hybrid option may be available if the young person can engage with the clinician virtually.